Biokovo | Bell Holiday


Biokovo is a part of the Dinaric Mountains and as such has a direction of NW-SE. The material in the lower parts towards the sea and on the opposite Zagorje side is mainly made up of Eocene Flysch sediments while the higher parts are shaped into carbonate sedimentary rocks.

The vegetation of the mountain Biokovo is very interesting and rich. It is an apparent mixture of different floral elements. There are mixed oldest Mediterranean, Boreal and Central European floral elements.

Based on previous research it can be concluded that the fauna of Biokovo is distinctive and varied although, unfortunately, still insufficiently explored. In the area of Biokovo there was a large number of endemic and tertiary relicts due to the fact that it is situated in a part of Europe which during the Tertiary was not largely affected by glaciation.

The climate on Biokovo is the result of latitude, its geographical position in the Dinaric mountains, geological structure, relief, altitude, exposure to the relief air circulation, vegetation cover and other factors that have a significant impact on mikroklimtske characteristics of this mountain.